Car Hire Moncton International Airport

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I have a CDP code



Travel Tips #1

33% of customers found rental cars for 97 CAD per day or less at Hertz Hertz Car Rental - Moncton International Airport.

Travel Tips #2

Book your car in advance at Hertz Car Rental - Moncton International Airport to get more availability options.

Travel Tips #3

December is on average the cheapest month to rent a car at Hertz Car Rental - Moncton International Airport.

Travel Tips #4

Kia Rio is the most popular car class rented at Hertz Car Rental - Moncton International Airport.

Top Rented Cars

(B) Kia Rio

  • 5
  • 3
  • A
  • 38 MPG
220 CAD
Book Now

(A) Chevrolet Spark

  • 4
  • 2
  • A
  • 35 MPG
253 CAD
Book Now

Customer Reviews

FAQs About Car Hire

Valid license from country of residence will be required at time of rental.


Also acceptable are temporary license or permit issued when license is lost, stolen or expired.


International customers renting in Canada are also required to present a valid international-issued driver’s license at the time of rent and a valid passport in the same name, as a second form of identification.


A flat fee of $ 1.99 may apply for driver's license verification.


U.S. renters must provide valid license, temporary license in cases of lost, stolen or expired license, and chauffeur's license issued in the U.S. or a U.S. territory.


Mobile/Digital Driver License

A mobile or digital driver’s license does not replace a valid physical driver’s license and Hertz customers will still need to supply their hard copy license until further notice.

The Fees and Surcharges for Hertz Car Rental - Moncton International Airport can be found here.

When you sign the Hertz Rental Agreement, you automatically receive our limited liability, which is stipulated on the reverse side of the Rental Agreement.


- Hertz's liability protection is included in the rates.

- Hertz's liability protection is primary. Your car insurance would not become involved until the limits of Hertz's liability have been reached.
- Hertz's liability protection applies to all authorized drivers of the Hertz vehicle.


Any physical damage to the Hertz vehicle is the sole responsibility of the renter, regardless of fault, unless "Loss Damage Waiver (LDW)" is purchased. If you purchase LDW, you will not be responsible for loss or damage to the Hertz vehicle except to the extent of any applicable deductible.


Liability protection and LDW will be void, if violations listed on the Rental Agreement occur. Exclusion of protection can vary by location and should be verified at the rental counter.  

Liability protection up to a single limit of CAD1 Million per accident for bodily injury or property damage combined, is included.



Exclusion of coverage may occur when the vehicle is used as follows:


-To carry persons or property for hire.
-To propel or tow any vehicle, trailer or other subject in any race or contest
-To instruct an unlicensed person in vehicle operation
-For any illegal purposes.


Loss Damage Waiver (LDW)

LDW is an optional service which relieves your financial responsibility for the loss of, or damage to the Hertz vehicle resulting from any cause, except to the extent of any deductible, if applicable, provided the vehicle is used in accordance with the terms of the Rental Agreement. Cost of LDW may vary depending on location or vehicle type and is charged per each full or partial day of rental.


F.Y.I. - various credit card companies provide cardholders with varying degrees of damage protection provided you use their charge card for the rental and decline the optional LDW offered by Hertz at time of rental. The coverage and limits vary - be sure to check specifics with your credit card company prior to rental. Since you may choose to decline Hertz's coverage, you will be responsible to Hertz for the full value of any damage due to loss of or damage to the Hertz vehicle. If loss does occur, you must then submit a claim for reimbursement to your credit card company.


Adding LDW after vehicle is on rental:

You may not change the option once the rental has begun, without returning the vehicle and starting a new Rental Agreement. This will result in the contract being closed out and charges being assessed for the time you kept the vehicle (at least 1 day minimum), and a new rental contract will begin.


Personal Accident Insurance and Personal Effects Coverage have a combined rate. They are not sold separately. 


Personal Accident Insurance and Personal Effects Coverage are not sold in British Columbia and in Quebec.


Personal Accident Insurance (PAI)

Personal Accident Insurance is an optional coverage for any accident involving death or bodily injury during the rental period for the renter and passengers.


The renter is covered for the entire duration of the rental, in or out of the vehicle. Passengers are only covered while entering, occupying or leaving the Hertz vehicle.


PAI coverage:



Benefit Schedule


Each Passenger

Accidental Death

$ 100,000.00


Loss of both hands, both feet, or both eyes



Loss of one hand and one foot



Loss of one hand and one eye or foot and one eye



Loss of speech and hearing



Loss of one arm or one leg



Loss of one hand, one foot or one eye



Loss of speech or hearing



Loss of thumb and index finger of one hand



Loss of hearing in one ear



Loss of use of both arms or both legs



Loss of use of both hands or both feet



Loss of use of one hand and one foot












Exclusions: The policy excludes coverage if the vehicle is in violation of the Rental Agreement and for losses resulting from:

  • Intentional self-inflicted injury;
  • Suicide or any attempt;
  • Aircraft travel;
  • Committing or attempting to commit an assault or felony;
  • Intoxicants or narcotics unless administered by a physician.


Personal Effects Coverage (PEC)


Personal Effects Coverage is an optional insurance for the loss of or damage to personal effects of the renter and immediate family traveling and residing with the renter.


PEC coverage:


The maximum coverage for each covered individual during the rental period is $500 after a deductible of $25 per covered claim. The maximum coverage for all individuals during the rental period is $1,500 involving a maximum of three (3) occupants of the vehicle after application of the deductible.


-Personal items covered are insured both while in or out of the rental car.

-Personal Effects Insurance will be paid in addition to any other homeowners' coverage.


PEC applies to personal effects only and not to car equipment. The following are examples of items NOT covered by the PEC:

  • Automobiles and their equipment, motorcycles, boats, motors or other accessories, add-ons, instruments);
  • Household furniture, currency, coins, stamps, deeds, bullion, securities, tickets, documents;
  • CB radios, radar detectors, guns, merchandise for sale or fine art;
  • Contact lenses, artificial teeth and limbs;
  • Perishables or animals.
  • PEC does not cover loss by mysterious disappearance.

Also, PEC does not cover:


  • Loss or damage caused by wear and tear, gradual deterioration, moths, vermin, inherent vice or damage sustained due to any process or while actually being worked upon and resulting there from, or while in the care, custody or control of any common carrier.
  • Loss by nuclear reaction, radiation or radioactive contamination.
  • Loss caused by any act of war.
  • Loss or damage due to theft unless reported by Police.

If loss or damages occur, completion of claim form must accompany claim. Forms available at all Hertz Corporate locations.


All losses must be reported to the police and there must be signs of forcible entry. Property is valued at actual cash value and not replacement cost. A copy of the police report must accompany claim.



A Late Return Fee of up to $15.50 per day, up to a maximum of $77.50 or five (5) days, will be applied if you return the vehicle more than 12 hours after the date and time previously scheduled, and you failed to notify Hertz of such change more than 24 hours prior to your scheduled return time by calling Hertz at 1-800-654-4174.


This fee will be applied in addition to any change in rental rate that occurs as a result of extending your rental.

One-way rentals are those consisting of picking up a vehicle in one city and returning to another city or location. Availability is based on the locations restrictions and the vehicle types being taken one-way. Fees for one-way will be assessed at time of booking.


Vehicles may be dropped in the U.S. as long as the rate displays during the booking process. if permitted, you must have a copy of the Rental Agreement and a pass from Customs Agent.


See *Rental Restrictions* in Location Index for availability and details.


Vehicles may not be driven into or dropped in Mexico.