Rental Terms, Qualifications and Requirements

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If renting in California:


Hertz provides no liability protection under the terms of the Rental Agreement to the renter from claims of injury by others against you resulting from an accident. Your personal/business insurance may cover your liability. Exceptions: Hertz will provide primary liability protection up to the statutory minimum limits to international customers (driver's license indicates an address outside the USA) renting in California. Please also refer to Liability Insurance Supplement (LIS) below.


If renting in Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, South Carolina, Virginia, or West Virginia:


Upon signing the Rental Agreement, Hertz provides primary liability protection. However, such protection is generally no more than the minimum limits required by individual state law. See Financial Responsibility Limits by State.


If renting in any other state in the U.S.A.:


Hertz' liability protection is secondary to any other insurance coverage available to you. If you do not have liability insurance and/or the limits of liability of the insurance coverage available to you are not sufficient to cover claims by others against you, and Hertz, as the vehicle owner, provides liability protection due to an accident, you will indemnify Hertz for any and all payments made.


However, Hertz makes available additional liability protection, which is primary, if the optional Liability Insurance Supplement, LIS, is purchased.


Liability Insurance Supplement (LIS)


Liability Insurance Supplement (LIS) provides coverage for you and other authorized operators of your rental vehicle for third party claims.

LIS is primary protection to customer’s personal policy and provides the first $1,000,000.00 of combined bodily injury and/or property damage protection for each occurrence regardless of the state in which the accident occurs. On rentals in California and Florida the maximum combined single limit is $2,000,000.00 for liability protection only.

LIS provides up to $1,000,000.00 of Uninsured/Underinsured protection for bodily injury sustained while driving the rental vehicle.

There are some exclusions to this coverage, which we feel you should know. Under LIS, in the event of an accident, you will not be protected for third party liability:



LIS is third party liability coverage only, except where permitted by law or pertaining to Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage. LIS does not cover personal injury to you or any authorized operator of the rental vehicle or to your or their family members who are related by blood, marriage or adoption and reside in your or their household.

Loss Damage Waiver (LDW)

In most states, in the event of any other loss or damage to the car, regardless of fault, your financial responsibility extends to the full value of the car at the time of rental, less its salvage value, plus expenses for towing, storage impound fees, an administrative fee and a reasonable charge for loss of use. If your responsibility differs in the state in which you rent, it will be stated in Paragraph 4, of the Rental Agreement. In California, in the event of any loss or damage to the car regardless of fault, your financial responsibility will in no event exceed the fair market value, plus actual charges for towing, storage, impound fees, and an administrative fee. In California and Nevada, your responsibility for loss or damage to the car from vandalism unrelated to theft will not exceed $500.00 in California and $2,500.00 in Nevada and you are not responsible for theft, regardless of purchasing LDW, unless the theft results from your fault.. In Illinois, your responsibility for loss or damage for any cause other than theft is limited to $15,500.00. Loss or damage related to theft is limited to $2,000.00, unless the theft results from your fault.  In New York, your financial responsibility shall not exceed (i) the actual and reasonable costs that Hertz incurs to repair the car, including costs for towing, storage and impound fees or that Hertz would have incurred if the car was repaired or (ii) the fair market value of the car immediately before the damages occurred, as determined by the applicable market for the retail sale of the car less disposal proceeds. Your responsibility for theft of the car shall not exceed the reasonable costs incurred by Hertz for loss due to theft up to its fair market value, if it is established that you or any authorized operator failed to exercise reasonable care or aided or abetted in the theft. 




F.Y.I. – You are under no obligation to purchase LDW or any other optional service as a condition of rental. Your own personal insurance may provide protection for loss or damage to the rental vehicle depending on the state in which you live and the type of policy you have. Also, various credit card companies provide cardholders with some degree of damage protection providing you use their credit card for the rental and decline the optional LDW offered by Hertz at time of rental. The coverage and limits vary. Your policy or credit card coverage should be thoroughly checked for the specific terms and conditions associated with rental vehicles. Remember, most credit card insurance is supplemental, which means it will only reimburse you for loss or damages over and above what is covered by any other insurance you may have and will not cover you forany damage, regardless of cause, if you accept LDW.


Adding LDW after car is on rental:
You may not change the option once the rental has begun, without returning the car and starting a new rental agreement.  This will result in the contract being closed out and charges being assessed for the time the vehicle is kept at least 1-day minimum, and a new rental contract will begin.


Cancellation of LDW - New York rentals only:

On New York rentals only, LDW may be cancelled at no charge, within 24 hours of its purchase provided the renter (i) has rented the car for 2 or more days; (ii) appears in person at any Hertz rental location with the car, which shall be subject to inspection.


Personal Accident Insurance (PAI)

Personal Accident Insurance (PAI), offered in combination with PEC, allows you to elect accidental death and accidental medical expense coverage for yourself and your passengers during the rental period of the vehicle.  



PAI coverage:


Benefits Schedule*


Each Passenger

Accidental Death:



Accidental Medical Expenses Not to Exceed:



Ambulance Expenses Not to Exceed:





*Benefits referred to in this synopsis are not applicable for vehicles rented in the State of New York. In Minnesota, the death coverage limit is $100,000 ($10,000 for passengers) and the medical expenses limit is $3,500 for the renter and each passenger.


Total benefits for any one accident are limited to $225,000 and are payable in addition to any other coverage for which you or your passengers are eligible. However, your benefits provided by other coverage may be affected by the PAI benefits.


If this coverage is accepted, the benefits for you apply to all accidental injuries during your rental period, regardless of whether you are actually in the car. Your passengers are also covered, but only for incidents occurring while they occupy the Hertz rental car.




Benefits are not paid for any loss caused directly or indirectly by:


The renter shall be deemed to have converted the rental vehicle whenever the rental vehicle is not returned to Hertz by the return date or by the extended return date. This is a summary only and other restrictions may apply.


Personal Effects Coverage (PEC)

Personal Effects Coverage (PEC), offered in combination with PAI, is an option that insures against risk of loss or damage to help protect your certain personal belongings while renting from Hertz. By electing PEC you will be insured throughout the entire rental period. PEC is insurance protection and pays in addition to any other policy you may have (such as a Homeowner’s policy). However, your benefits provided by other coverage may be affected by the PEC benefit. PEC insurance coverage includes those personal effects owned by you and those members of your immediate family traveling with you during the rental period who are permanent residents of your household. PEC does not extend to non-family members traveling with you.



Coverage Per Person

Per person


United States








PEC applies to personal effects only and not to car equipment. The following are examples of items NOT covered by the PEC:




Personal effects not covered loss by mysterious disappearance, nor does it cover::

Also, PEC does not cover:


Loss or damage caused by wear and tear, gradual deterioration, moths, vermin, inherent vice or damage sustained due to any process or while actually being worked upon and resulting there from, or while in the care, custody or control of any common carrier.

If loss or damages occur, completion of claim form must accompany claim. Forms are available at all Hertz corporate locations.


Please note that PAI and PEC are not available separately and must be taken in combination.

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